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About Dedicated Dads and how it came to be


Story from First Director Rick Luch


My father was left with 4 young boys, 2 still in diapers. He did his best to take care of us. Now the four boys are all grown up into men. Two of those men are left as single fathers. Single fathers in need. I see this as a growing epidemic and it's about time we reach out to them and help all single fathers.




Story from one of the Directors Jacqueline McCrater


Being raised myself by a single father, I saw first hand the struggles my dad went through. It wasn’t fair. There were so many support groups, and charities for single mothers. My dad needed help too. Food, clothes, furniture, anything could have helped.


My father was left with 2 young girls, ages 8 and 11. It was hard enough on my dad being a single father, but being a single father and raising 2 girls was very difficult. I find a father is a little lost when it comes to raising girls. There were many struggles we had to overcome. If there could have been help, support or a charity dedicated to single fathers, maybe times wouldn’t have been so rough on all of us. He was great father though and I am proud of him for sticking by my sister and I. I know he did the best he could.


As I look around, I notice more and more people who are or who have been raised by a single fathers. I find this is an issue that has just slipped through the cracks.


We have created dedicated dads to help fathers just like mine and yours. I know my dad went through a lot of struggles raising us on his own. We want to help single dads in need. We will do our best to help financially, donate furniture, food, clothes, help with medical, dental and much more. This is a growing epidemic in our country and it needs to start getting recognized

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